A Qualitative meta-analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of offshore wind farms

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Mariel Alem
Timo Herberz
Vishnu Sankar Karanayil
Ahmed Ashfaque Hamid Fardin


Climate change and an increased interest in renewable energy have resulted in a burgeoning wind energy sector. However, in the recent past, wind farms have faced resistance in acquiring permits due to concerns about their long-term effects on the local community. To understand the extent of these externalities, this study qualitatively meta-analyses four socio-economic impacts of interest, namely: house prices, tourism, catalytic effects of supply chain clustering, and social change. Geographically, the analysed reports include Europe, Canada and the US, and deductions are made for the EU. In order to bridge the gap of unavailability of primary data on the wind sector, relevant conclusions are drawn from other comparable sectors. Based on a rigorous review of primary qualitative research, this study concludes that offshore wind farms should be located more than 40 km away from the coast to eliminate risks of housing price devaluation and tourist activity reduction, which would directly affect the economic value of the region. In addition, the study found limited evidence to acknowledge the employment benefits in the local economy and social change in the community due to offshore wind farms. Monitoring mechanisms should be set up to prove or disprove the creation of local employment, crime and substance abuse. Furthermore, the study finds that adequate planning and management can ensure better socioeconomic outcomes in the community. Further research is recommended for the specific impact of overhead transmission lines and substations on property values and tourism.

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How to Cite
Alem, M., Herberz, T., Karanayil, V. S., & Fardin, A. A. H. (2020). A Qualitative meta-analysis of the socioeconomic impacts of offshore wind farms. Sustinere: Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 4(3), 155–171. https://doi.org/10.22515/sustinere.jes.v4i3.121
Author Biographies

Mariel Alem, University of Cambridge

Ms Mariel Alem Fonseca recently graduated with a Masters degree in Engineering for Sustainable Development from the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. As an Industrial Engineer, she developed a strong interest in the relationship between business productivity and environmental sustainability, which led her to move to Cambridge to broaden her perspective beyond the limits of the engineering domain. Her research was focused predominantly on engineering interventions to reduce the impact of meat through a systems thinking approach. She is passionate about defending animal rights and finding solutions to the world’s current food challenges.

Timo Herberz, University of Cambridge

Mr Timo Herberz recently graduated from the University of Cambridge with an MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development. At the Department of Engineering he conducted research on EU policies related to plastics by using LCA. Furthermore, he has expertise in remote sensing especially related to irrigated agriculture.

Vishnu Sankar Karanayil, University of Cambridge

Mr Vishnu Sankar Karanayil is a recent graduate from the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge where he read for MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development. He has more than four years of industry experience leading sustainability projects in the energy, transport and finance sectors. His interests are in low carbon development and integrating sustainability within business strategy as a key differentiator for long-term competitive advantage.

Ahmed Ashfaque Hamid Fardin, University of Cambridge

Mr Ahmed Fardin recently graduated from the University of Cambridge with an MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development. In collaboration with the Cambridge Institute of Manufacturing, his thesis focused on the economic and climate change impacts of fast fashion and fashion manufacturing waste. In addition, he specializes in advanced manufacturing and non-conventional manufacturing technologies.

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