Techno-economic needs assessment for a sustainable novel solar panel production system

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Paul Ogheneochuko Ohwofadjeke


Techno-economic needs assessment for an automated solar panel production system is presented. Solar energy, a rapidly growing renewable energy source, has the potential to meet a significant portion of the world's energy needs. Solar panels, the key component of solar energy systems, there are produced in a major industry. Automated solar panel production systems offer the potential to increase production efficiency and reduce costs. The study outlines key factors necessary for successful establishment and operation of an automated solar panel production factory, including market analysis, financial projections, operational strategies, and sustainability initiatives. The market analysis through examination global trends in the solar energy market, identifying growth trends, potential competitors, and target customer segments. The study used a five-step methodology to assess needs, identifying major requirement such as the application of high-speed and precision manufacturing equipment, investment in reliable and efficient manufacturing processes, and development of cost-effective manufacturing methods. The study’s results highlight several key economic benefits of automated solar panel production, including increased production efficiency, reduced labor costs, and improved product quality. The findings are valuable to various stakeholders, including government officials, business leaders, and community members, informing decisions regarding solar industry development and new manufacturing facilities in specific regions. The paper recommends the use of eco-friendly manufacturing processes, utilization of recyclable materials, and adoption of energy-efficient automated technologies to minimize the carbon footprint of solar panel production.

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How to Cite
Ohwofadjeke, P. O. (2024). Techno-economic needs assessment for a sustainable novel solar panel production system. Sustinere: Journal of Environment and Sustainability, 8(1), 29–43.

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